
Rewind- Melbourne's most recognised Hip hop crew, steps on center stage to take on 30 nations worldwide in the prestigious World Hip hop International dance competition...Join us on the journey...


Thursday, 2 August 2007

One, two and three....

If you haven't already checked youtube for the home made versions of the top three performances at HHI, here they are in all their glory...

Video Description: Eklectik, 1st

Video Description: Kaba Modern, 2nd

Video Description: Phillipine All Stars, 3rd

Personally I thought Kaba's show killed it- They were first in all their qualifiers and for some reason, they got second in the finals.

Steve has confirmed Rewinds final place was actually 8th. This is a great achievement for us Aussies and I can't wait for them all to get back home so we can get an inside look at the event and the whole experience!

Question: Whats your thoughts on the top three?

