
Rewind- Melbourne's most recognised Hip hop crew, steps on center stage to take on 30 nations worldwide in the prestigious World Hip hop International dance competition...Join us on the journey...


Friday, 13 July 2007

Rewind performs this weekend!

Picture Description: The Game, this weekend

Next week Rewind is set to leave to go to the US to take on 30 countries from around the world to compete in the Hip hop international dance comp. The nerves are definitely kicking in for most of the crew as rehearsals become more intense.

Rewind performed a ‘closed door’ show for a dance industry audience only last week. The audience consisted of many of our dance mentors in Melbourne to get feedback on the current show and they had many constructive criticisms of our show. As a result, Vince and the crew have reviewed the show and have decided to go through with a number of changes to the show- The bad thing is for us is it almost like re-doing a whole new show. In particular, song choice is going through an overhaul- that would mean mix will go through its 10th draft (and that’s definitely not the last).

The feedback was important to get the show to a world standard level. But, time is running short now and with Rewind leaving next week, the pressure is on to get the dance completed. Good thing is, Rewind works well under pressure…

If you want to see the show yourself to give us feedback, Rewind is showcasing the performance this Saturday, 3pm at ‘The Game’ Krump Competition at MMA. Please come down and show your support! (Check out the flier above for the details)

