
Rewind- Melbourne's most recognised Hip hop crew, steps on center stage to take on 30 nations worldwide in the prestigious World Hip hop International dance competition...Join us on the journey...


Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Iceboxed back in Melbourne

Video Description: Vince and Michelle rehearsing to Omarion- Icebox

Sorry for the lack of updates as I've been away in sunny state of Queensland enjoying the weather up there for a few days. I tell ya, coming back to 4 degrees in Melbourne was pretty hard to do! Freezing!

But I do have presents! Another gem from the Rewind database of videos. This ones at Unitd Styles- Vince rehearsing the extended routine of Icebox (Very appropriate with the weather how it is). Enjoy!

Ive also seen some previews of the final routine for the HHI competition and i gotta tell ya, It has to be Rewinds best work. We have lots of updates to come to stay tuned!

